When you’re talking with friends or family about your writing career, do you get tied up in knots whenever someone asks, “How is your book coming along?” or “When can I buy your book?”
Sometimes writing can feel like an interminable cycle of writing, revising, gathering feedback, rewriting, and so forth ad nauseam for months. Or years.
I’m a writer. I’ve been there, too.
But if you are determined to make 2020 the year you finally get your book into the world, take a look at these classes I’m putting together that will help you get over the hump and get your book out there in front of people’s eyeballs!
The first class is…
How to Build a Creative Life (and Get Your Work Done)
Saturday January 25, 2020, 10am – 1pm
At San Diego Writers, Ink (directions in link below)
$45 Member / $54 Non-member
What makes prolific writers so prolific? Successful writers all have one thing in common, perseverance. They don’t give up. Every writer gets stuck in ruts. But the important thing to remember is to keep moving forward, making progress every day, or however regularly you can.
This course is all about providing tools and strategies for getting the work done. For some, this will mean finishing projects. For others, it will mean becoming more prolific. For others still, it will mean finding time to write at all in the chaos of a busy life.
We will focus on a variety of practical tools, techniques, and systems to help writers tackle some of the most common roadblocks that keep us from getting our work done: fear, procrastination, overwhelm, inability to preserve creative energy, and lack of time.
The second class I’ll be conducting is…
What Independent Authors Need to Know About Book Design
Saturday February 1, 2020, 10am – 12pm
At San Diego Writers, Ink (directions in link below)
$30 Member / $36 Non-member
Whoever said “Don’t judge a book by its cover” knew zilch about the publishing business. For better or worse, people usually decided whether to buy or pass up a book based entirely on the cover.
You’ve spent years refining your memoir or urban fantasy manuscript until it absolutely gleams. You’re going to want a book cover or layout that’s up to the same high standard, right? But how do you know if your designer is providing you with high-quality, targeted design?
This course discusses what independent authors need to know about the elements of book design. Whether you plan to hire a cover designer, work with a hybrid press, or publish through a small press where you will have input on the cover or interior layout, as an author you need to have a least a basic foundation of book design best practices, or else risk having poor book design that damages the story you’ve worked so hard to publish.
Contact Me
If you have questions about the content of these classes, or about book design in general, pick up your favorite device and email me directly at tony (at) goldenratiobookdesign.com, or call me at (619) 356-1873, and I’ll be happy to chat!
Sign up for the classes can only be done online by following the links above.
Here’s to you finally getting your book out there!
Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash