National University, Sanford Programs

Group of three non-profit programs under National University. Harmony SEL helps children develop key social and emotional competencies. Inspire provides educators free professional development courses and webinars. Fundraising Academy educates non-profits in relationship-driven fundraising.
In 2010, I co-founded Calypso Editions, an independent publisher of poetry and fiction in translation. Since then I have acted as creative director, designing the covers and interior layout of all of our publications and developing marketing materials.

Calypso Editions Book Design
Description: Calypso is a publisher of books of poetry and fiction in translation and prides itself on books of high quality in physical production, in design, and in content. 
Project Summary: I’ve worked with authors, photographers, illustrators, and editors to produce over 25 titles for Calypso. Scope of work includes cover design, font choice, interior layout, and page design.

Full catalog of books can be found at


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Calypso Editions Website
Description: Website for literary press showcasing most recent books and making backlog available to buyers. 
Project Summary: Calypso is a publisher of high-quality physical books, so it was imperative that the website have a natural and somewhat luxury feel to it. Since the backbone of Calypso Editions is translation, the site incorporates images of learning, nature, and travel meant to evoke wonder.

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Calypso Summer Catalog and Sampler
Description: To correspond with the new website, I developed a sampler, spotlighting cover art, key blurbs, and passages from the press’s most recent releases.

Full sampler can be found here.

More Books

City That Ripens on the Tree of the World, by Robin Davidson
Project Summary: A photo showing a close up of flowering orchids was selected to evoke the life and richness of detail described in this book of poems. Title is stacked to echo the climbing growth of plants and trees.

Screen Shot 2013-09-25 at 6.57.33 PM

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Froth: Poems, by Jarosław Mikołajewsk, translated by Piotr Florczyk.
Project Summary: I worked with a photographer who supplied this close-up photo. This is a book of contrasts which are echoed in the contrast between the movement of the bird and the stillness of the empty space.
Froth Cover

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Use, by Derick Burleson
Project Summary: This book is a single poem made of 108 stanzas with a unique twist: they are written from an elementary school list of the 1000 most common words in the English language. Cover design builds upon the book’s concept.

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The Vanishings and Other Poems, by Beth Myhr
Project Summary: The desolate, stark cover art and design reflect the starkness of the poems in this collection.

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Of Gentle Wolves: an Anthology of Romanian Poetry, translated and edited by Martin Woodside
Project Summary: At first glance the cover artwork shows a nature scene. However, upon further inspection it’s clear the nature scene is merely wallpaper, as evidenced by the peeling corner in the center of the book. This verisimilitude echoes the absurdist and metanarrative aspects of the collected Romanian poems within.

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Marketing Materials


Official Calypso Edition banner showcasing the press’s logo and mission statement. Created using InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop CS5.

Finished banner with stand

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Official Calypso Edition bookmark for 2013 showcasing text from our forthcoming publication. Created using InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop CS5.

Calypso 2013 BookmarkFroth

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Calypso Editions 2012 Catalog and Sampler. Distributed electronically during summer of 2012. Created using InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop CS5.5.

2012 Summer Catalog-thumbnail. . .

The Original Calypso Editions Website (circa 2010). Designed using Photoshop CS 5 and WordPress.

Screen shot 2011-10-01 at 7.52.22 PM

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Posters for literary readings hosted by Calypso Editions. Created using InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop CS5.

Chin Series Inivitation (Tolstoy) revised 1-26-11Chin Series Inivitation (Swir)

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Calypso Editions official business cards. I also created the conch logo, evoking the sea and the Greek myth for which the press is named. Created using InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop CS5.5.
