
Froth: Poems
(2013), by Jarosław Mikołajewsk, translated by Piotr Florczyk. Created using InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop CS5.5. Published by Calypso Editions.

Froth Cover

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 (2012), by Derick Burleson. Created using InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop CS5.5. Published by Calypso Editions.

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The Vanishings and Other Poems (2011), by Beth Myhr. Created using InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop CS5.5. Published by Calypso Editions.

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Of Gentle Wolves: an Anthology of Romanian Poetry (2011), translated and edited by Martin Woodside. Created using InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop CS5.5. Published by Calypso Editions.

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Building the Barricade and Other Poems of Anna Swir (2011), translated by Piotr Florczyk. Created using InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop CS5.5. Published by Calypso Editions.

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How Much Land Does a Man Need (2010), original story by Leo Tolstoy, translated by Boris Dralyuk. Created using InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop CS5.5. Published by Calypso Editions.

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Layout and Interior Design Editor for Los Bilingual Writers Anthology, book IV, a collection of stories and essay from children and members of the San Diego Hispanic community. Created using InDesign CS5.5.

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MFA Anthology of Creative Writing, 2008-2009. Chief Editor, layout, art design. Created with Quark Xpress and Photoshop CS3. Published by the Writers collective at San Diego State University.


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MFA Anthology of Creative Writing, 2007-2008. Created with Quark Xpress and Photoshop CS3. Published by the Writers collective at San Diego State University.



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Dust jacket for science fiction series, All the Night a Song:
marketing mock-up for author Andy Stewart.