Golden Ratio Blog

How Tetris is a Model for Life

How Tetris is a Model for Life

I just finished an amazing graphic novel called Tetris: the Games People Play, by Box Brown.   At first blush, I thought reading a graphic novel about a video game...

Chaos is Ladder

Chaos is Ladder

It's been said roughly a bazillion times this week, I'm sure, but it bears repeating: these are strange times we live in.     Americans are either forced to...

Writing Good Decision-Makers

Writing Good Decision-Makers

  Have you ever read a book or watched a movie that was generally entertaining, but was completely ruined by the main character who made really dumb decisions?...

How Words Can Unlock Your Brain

How Words Can Unlock Your Brain

I'm assuming that, if you're reading this, you probably have strong feelings about the power of words. But what does it really mean to say "words have power"? Words can...

My Top 3 Productivity Systems

My Top 3 Productivity Systems

“It’s the smartest individuals who realize they are only randomly in their smarts and inspired. They are the ones who intelligently build in systems and processes to...

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