How to Make Sure Your Book Cover is Successful

How to Make Sure Your Book Cover is Successful

At some point, all independent authors will face a choice of what to do about their book cover. If they work with a designer, they usually have a handful of various cover concepts to choose from. This gives the author the chance to select the best choice. But...
How Tetris is a Model for Life

How Tetris is a Model for Life

I just finished an amazing graphic novel called Tetris: the Games People Play, by Box Brown.   At first blush, I thought reading a graphic novel about a video game would be like watching a dance about architecture, but the awesomeness of Tetris is conveyed rather...
Chaos is Ladder

Chaos is Ladder

It’s been said roughly a bazillion times this week, I’m sure, but it bears repeating: these are strange times we live in.     Americans are either forced to hunker down at home, or they are on the front line of essential services. Everyone is...
Writing Good Decision-Makers

Writing Good Decision-Makers

  Have you ever read a book or watched a movie that was generally entertaining, but was completely ruined by the main character who made really dumb decisions? Like in a horror movie where you shout at the screen, “Don’t go in that dark room, dummy!...